In our culture the expression of emotional needs creates vulnerability - especially for men.
“We have creative solutions for your therapy needs".
In life taking care of our selves requires an acute awareness of our emotion needs. What prevents us from getting these needs met? When we feel vulnerable and exposed we wall off our feelings for fear of appearing “too sensitive." We easily reject vulnerable emotions and become what Pia Melody calls “needless want less." Men who cope in this way lose themselves and in doing so they do damage to those who love them.
In the men’s self care group we support each other as we learn how to take better care of ourselves and our relationships. When we learn to endure and to manage the discomfort of vulnerability emotional growth emerges. This emotional growth changes how we experience our lives and the people in it.
Come and learn how to experience vulnerability, get your needs met and still remain emotionally present and available in your relationships.
Contact Kris today at Creative Counseling, Inc.,
(972) 248-7722 or